Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chained by Fate: Ancient Crones

As Rope Isle opened, players raided the map in search of new adventures and leveling places. Monsters levels 61-99 lurks in every corner of the map. The low level monsters that ranges from levels 61-84 are monsters most players would go to to grind XD. Of course a new map is nothing without everyone's favorite, the boss monsters.

Amongst all the boss monsters that exists in Rope Isle one particular monster caught my attention, that is the boss monster named Ancient Crones. This monster was chained in the center before but is now loose ready to take away any unsuspecting players life.

Ancient Crones is a level 99 monster that uses status ailment skills. It would be suicide to face this monster alone. This boss monster boasts more than 500,000 hit points(HP) so a party is really a necessity. The basic party line up will suffice for the job of taking down this monster, a tanker, a healer, a DPS(damage per second) specialist, and a nuker. After having your own set of line up its best to know how your going to do things and make a plan. Monsters levels 83-84 randomly spawns around the are to where Ancient Crones appears so having an extra monster attacking your tanker will drain him/her of his/her HP faster than planned.

Having these in mind and equips prepared, I wish you all luck in taking down this boss monster :D


Kind said...

Cant really see what he is, could you get a better screenshot of him?

Disperso said...

lol seam Anima of final fantasy X

NS Community Manager said...

alright i'll give you a better screenshot of him..but he's big i tell you XD

Anonymous said...

its fun to break his chain him n piss any1 grinding nearby or when there's no1 around =D=D

Joseph said...

wat does he drop O_O?

Anonymous said...

he drops level 76 and above equipments at random :P